Friday, January 14, 2011

Survey details

Below are key results from the survey conducted from October-January for residents of northern Tuxedo. Please see, in particular the percentage of elementary and middle school students who are unable to participate in extracurricular activities because of distance and logistics (high school students tend to drive).
Also, please see the percentage of students who have limited ability to interact with fellow students for study or social activities after school.

What is the make up of your household?
1 adult 12.3% (9)
2 adults 68.5% (50)
more than 2 adults 20.5% (15)
1 child who attends Monroe-Woodbury schools 21.9% (16)
2 children who attend Monroe-Woodbury schools 16.4% (12)
more than 2 children who attend Monroe-Woodbury schools 6.8% (5)
school-age children who do not attend Monroe-Woodbury schools 13.7% (10)

Please provide information about the adults in your household
1 adult is of retirement age 9.7% (6)
More than 1 adult is of retirement age 1.6% (1)
At least 1 adult is employed full time 48.4% (30)
More than 1 adult is employed full time 41.9% (26)

How long does your child (or what is the average for your children) spend commuting to and from school each day?
30 minutes 44.1% (15)
1 hour 29.4% (10)
1 and a half hours 11.8% (4)
2 hours 8.8% (3)

At what time does your child return home from school (if you have more than 1 school-age child, please indicate when the last child returns).
2:00 2.8% (1)
2:30 11.1% (4)
3:00 19.4% (7)
3:30 19.4% (7)
4:00 38.9% (14)
4:30 8.3% (3)

If your child stays late at school to participate in extracurricular activities, how long is the typical commute home
30 minutes 63.2% (12)
1 hour 21.1% (4)
1 and a half hours 5.3% (1)
2 hours 5.3% (1)
2 and a half hours 5.3% (1)

Has your child ever caught the bus before daylight in the morning?
Yes 51.3% (20)
No 48.7% (19)

Has your child ever decided not to participate in extracurricular activities (or have you not approved participation) because of the commuting time involved?
Yes, my high-school age child has not participated because of commuting and logistics. 3.0% (1)
No, my high-school age child's participation has never been limited because of commuting and logistics. 21.2% (7)
Yes, my middle-school age child has not participated because of commuting and logistics. 9.1% (3)
No, my middle-school age child's participation has never been limited because of commuting and logistics. 12.1% (4)
Yes, my elementary-age child has not participated because of commuting and logistics. 21.2% (7)
No, my elementary-age child's participation has never been limited because of commuting and logistics. 33.3% (11)

Is your child's after-school involvement with classmates (for study or social activities) limited by distance and logistics?
Yes 50.0% (18)
No 50.0% (18)

About the survey:
To assess how people in northern Tuxedo feel about issues related to the public schools, a survey was developed.

By way of background: it seems that the children of northern Tuxedo were originally assigned to the Tuxedo School District, which is appropriate in view of the make up of the community, natural geographical features, etc.

We are getting the documentation as to exactly what happened but in the late 1960s, these children were reassigned to the Monroe-Woodbury system. It appears this was done because the Tuxedo system was not able to, at that time, accommodate new children moving into the area as a result of the construction of Laurel Ridge and Clinton Woods.

Subsequently, Tuxedo upgraded its services and the children should have returned. However, Monroe-Woodbury refused to release them... despite numerous requests from individual parents and groups. So..... they commute an average of 9+ miles each way every day, through the busy intersections around Woodbury Commons.

Ask yourself: what does your auto insurance policy say about commuting? Mine asks if I commute more than 5 miles each way to work. If I do, I have to "check the box." I assume that means that my commute is considered riskier and I pay a surcharge because of a greater risk of accidents. Is it fair to have children commute more than is necessary to satisfy a school district's desire to retain revenue, even though the original boundaries specify that these children should attend a different school system?

This survey attempted to identify what assignment to M-W means from various standpoints relating to children's well being. The community population is as follows:
159 homes in Laurel Ridge
38, Clinton Woods
126, Southfields condos
15, Southfields
32, Arden

Of this population, 73 individuals took the survey. Software prevented people from taking it more than once.

Thus, assignment to the Monroe-Woodbury system does not seem to be serving the best interests of the children and limits their participation in school activities.

It would seem that the original assignment of these children to the Tuxedo system was the proper designation, and that what should have been a temporary reassignment to Monroe-Woodbury should now be reversed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

About your taxes

To get a sense of why everything is so wacky, read this insightful article from Bill Lemanski about our tax rates

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Links for districts that have attempted to change boundaries

Please note these situations where efforts have been made to change boundaries.

These were all unsuccessful but suggest strategies for moving forward.

Info from the state: re: changing boundaries

If there is a dispute or ambiguity or a question about where the boundary line between two districts is supposed to be then Education Law section 2215 assigns the responsibility for a determination to the District Superintendent of the BOCES. Information about this process may be found at

This is different from a boundary alteration where property is actually transferred from one school district to another. In this case, the boards of education of both districts must agree to the alteration. This does not happen very frequently. Information about the process of a boundary alteration may be found at

School Board Meetings

Thanks to everyone for attending. The next school board meetings for the M-W system are
January 26, 7 PM in the Education Center
February 9, 7 PM
March 9, 7 PM
March 23, 7 PM special meeting
April 13, 7 PM
April 28, 5 PM special meeting
May 4 7 PM special meeting
May 17 Board meeting, budget vote
May 25 7 PM
June 8, 7 PM

Community information and resources

This survey was developed by the Tuxedo Chamber of Commerce in 2004 and highlights issues of concern to the community--many of these issues remain unresolved.

This site allows you to see where your tax dollars go. You can see how much school districts take in, how much they spend, how much their staff/teachers are paid, etc. You can compare the revenue/expenses of up to 4 school districts at a time.

About us

This blog is a community service for residents of northern Tuxedo in Orange County, NY. It is designed to update and inform residents, and encourage dialogue, regarding community issues:
School taxes
Tax assessment for our area
Issues of Monroe-Woodbury vs Tuxedo School Districts
and other community concerns as they arise.